Be prepared for launch day!
Based on more than 20 years of active development and playtest feedback from over 125,000 gamers, the new Second Edition Pathfinder rules feature deep character customization perfect for pairing with Hero Lab Online. This data package contains all the rules players and Game Masters need to easily create characters for adventuring in the latest edition of the popular Pathfinder Role Playing Game.
Pre-order now and start gaming on August 1st!
All first time subscribers to Hero Lab Online who pre-order the Pathfinder Second Edition system will receive a complimentary subscription to our online services until February 2020!
4 Comments. Leave new
I already have a Hero Lab Online account and the Pathfinder 2nd Ed Playtest. There is no option to purchase the pre order of 2nd Ed…
If you have the Playtest you will automatically be upgraded to PF2 when it launches.
Do the folks who’ve purchased the Playtest edition get an upgrade to the full release?
Yes they do!